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Added a captcha thingy to the contact form

updates Hadn't actually planned to have a contact form for this website, originally. Put one up just for the fun of the exercise more than anything. Then I realized that it was such a simple form it would probably get spammed to death once the site gets found by spammers, so I decided to add captcha verification to the form. Didn't want to have to go through the bother of signing up for ReCaptcha and all that, so I'm using a different thing.

It can be a bit difficult to make out the characters in this captcha plugin, but I don't want to remove the extra noise yet. We'll see how it works out. It's a very forgiving form though, I mean you can reload the page any number of times and try again, quite quickly, so if you don't guess it correctly immediately just try again.

It's not any worse than Google's "I am not a robot" tiles, after all - I always fail those repeatedly :) (Am I the only one? I find them extremely imprecise. They say roads, or store signs, or whatever, and then they show you very unclear pix that look like they seem to have a tiny bit of road in the corner.

Or they say store signs and then apparently there is some arbitrary Google rule why some signs qualify as store signs and some don't. Or road signs ditto.

So I always click on anything that looks remotely like the target item just to be on the safe side, and it probably dooms me to being identified as a robot :)

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Category: updates , coding , software
Posted by: heian
on 03.12.2018 at 16:21:53
275 words
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